Monday, 28 January 2013

Ancillary Texts: Examples of Magazine Adverts

This advert featuring Adele and her second album '21' not only features the album cover but also a separate image of Adele herself. This allows the reader to see what the album cover looks like when going to buy it but also allows the reader to see the artist as well. The magazine advert achieves the purpose in advertising the album.

This magazine advert features the album by 'The XX'. Although it doesn't actually feature the artists or the album front cover, the design is very effective. With the inclusion of the quotes from various music magazines about the album, this allows the reader to see what others though of the album and is used as a persuasive tool to persuade the readers to buy the album if the reviews are good.
This magazine advert by 'Fleet Foxes' does feature the front cover of he album but only the image. The fact that the advert also highlights the number of achievements they have won from various music magazines shows that this band has a good reputation and is a good band to listen to, another persuasive device to persuade the audience to buy the album.

This magazine advert by 'Florence and the Machine' is another advert that features the album cover on it. Along with the album cover there's is not much else, just the date of release and what formats you can find it in along with the website for the band and what singles are included on the album. This is a very simplistic magazine advert but very effective as it catches the readers eye and the image is stuck in their head so they know immediately what the album cover is as it is the main focus of the advert.

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